SFE YP Learn About Me #2 | Jess Insall


Jess Insall, SFE YP Deputy Chair, Financial Accountant at Steedman & Co


The SFE Young Professionals’ Learn about Me series aims to highlight the different routes, variety of roles, and experiences of young professionals in the financial services industry. Our next blog is with SFE YP Deputy Chair, Jess Insall.

What is your current role?

I am a financial accountant at Steedman & Co, specialising in cryptoassets and blockchain. It is great fun to work in such a fast-moving sector and it has given me really powerful insight into the changing role of professional advisors. Most of my time is spent sorting out huge piles of data and managing client relationships, not filling out compliance forms and tax returns! I am also studying for my ACCA qualification. All going well I will be a chartered accountant early next year.

Describe your career journey so far?

I started my career on an apprenticeship scheme in Johnston Carmichael’s audit department. Audit is a great starting point for anyone looking for a career in accounting, as it builds a strong ethical and technical knowledge base that you can take with you for the rest of your career. Like many others, the pandemic was a hard time for me professionally and personally, but the ample time alone to reflect helped me realise that compliance-based work was not for me. In June 2022 I moved to Steedman & Co, with almost no prior knowledge of crypto, to specialise as a crypto accountant! Over the last year I have learnt loads about the digital economy and the exciting opportunities it brings.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

A bit of everything: first a vet, then a classical musician, then the Prime Minister! I settled on accounting after reading about how many doors it could open for me in the future. 40% of FTSE100 CEOs are fully qualified accountants! Luckily, I also discovered my love for spreadsheets very quickly after starting work.

What does success in your career mean to you?

I am a big believer that we all need to be a bit less shy about having ambition. Success to me means having a vision of the world you want to live in, and doing whatever you can to make it a reality. Staying motivated through the tough days is so much easier if you really believe in what you are doing!

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Energetic, ambitious, motivated

What is a common misconception about the industry?

Lots of people think of finance professionals as the boring men in suits that move money around to make rich people richer. In reality, the finance industry has enabled almost every human achievement in recent history, from medical breakthroughs to space travel. A great example of the power of finance is the journey to net zero. Investing your pension sustainably is more effective at reducing your carbon footprint than becoming vegan and giving up flying combined!  

What more do you think the industry could do to support young professionals?

Don’t give up on us. In the complicated world of hybrid working, a lot of young professionals are struggling to get out of their comfort zones and do the hard (but important) stuff like building a professional network and doing “extra-curricular” work. I feel incredibly lucky to have mentors and friends who push me to get out and try new things, but there are too many stories of young professionals being left behind.

What is your favourite part of being involved with SFE YP?

It’s definitely cliché, but my favourite thing about SFE YP is the people. It is fantastic to meet so many other young professionals who are genuinely passionate about what they do, and so many industry leaders who wholeheartedly believe in the future of finance. Very life-affirming!

What is one thing you are passionate about?

Thought diversity. One of my favourite books of all time is “Good time to be a girl” by Helena Morrissey. It makes such a positive case for diversity, focusing on how profitability can be increased, and risk decreased when leadership has true diversity of backgrounds and skills.

What do you know now that you wish someone had told you at the start of your career?

Ask questions! Almost every senior leader in your company and industry will be thrilled that you are interested in their work, and more than happy to answer genuine and respectful questions. In my experience, the best book recommendations and life advice comes from cold emails or conversations at networking events.

What does a typical Sunday look like for you?

Outside of work I am a bit of an exercise fanatic, so probably a run or yoga class. I also like to use Sunday to do some cooking and stock up the freezer to avoid the temptation of eating junk food during the week! I also love reading and would like to say the rest of my Sunday is spent doing that. However, in reality, a good few hours will probably also be spent scrolling on Twitter and eating chocolate buttons on the sofa.


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